Modern Lifestyle Habits That Have Negative Effects on You.

1. Cell Phone Addiction
The “text neck” syndrome is provoked by looking down at your cell phone and it is characterized by pain in the neck, shoulders, and upper back. Anxiety from receiving fewer messages or social media updates are also on the list of negative effects. Yet there are other dangers like pedestrians texting while crossing the road get four times more distracted, which means they ignore the traffic lights and create dangerous situations for drivers, themselves, and other pedestrians. Moreover, the blue light from the screens disrupts the production of melatonin that regulates sleep, and can even damage your central vision.
So the next time you unconsciously reach for your phone, take a second to think about whether or not you really need to check your phone right then and there.

2. Wearing Skinny Jeans

It’s true that tight jeans do make you look great. Unfortunately, they’re not as safe as you may think because wearing skinny jeans can worsen some health conditions, like compartment syndrome, meralgia paresthetica (pain and numbness in thighs), and heartburn. Though the risks are low, it’s better to be safe than sorry. So don’t wear skinny jeans if you know you’re going to be moving around a lot.

3. Taking Snacks

First of all, it doesn’t matter if your snacks are healthy or not. The simple fact that you often reach for them is enough to ruin your health. Hunger is not as bad for us as we’re used to believing. Moreover, it can actually be good for us, if we understand exactly what it is. Hunger is a signal our body sends us when it needs food. This means that grabbing these delicious snacks between meals is actually pleasing our cravings.
Have you ever noticed that food tastes better when you’re hungry? So why deprive yourself of such a great pleasure? Refuse snacks, listen to your body, and enjoy every bit of your favorite dish.

4. Using Pain killers and Sedatives

A headache or anxiety is obviously not something anyone wants to experience. We all search for ways to fight them and often turn to pills as soon as something hurts. Unfortunately, we sometimes forget that self-medication is dangerous, and we often buy over-the-counter drugs and take more than the recommended dosage without consulting a specialist.
However, the worst thing you can do is mix pain medication with sedatives because it is more addictive than illegal drugs. But that’s not the only danger, as this combination may lead to drowsiness, poor coordination, fatigue, concentration problems, muscle weakness, heart rate changes, and much more. The combination of these medications causes more overdose deaths than cocaine and heroin together.
So if your doctor prescribes medication, use exactly the recommended amount and ask before combining with other medications.

5. Sleep Deprivation

Ever since we were kids, our parents have been telling us we should sleep well. It’s healthy, pleasant and our bodies need rest. However, we still don’t realize all the dangers of sleep deprivation. It decreases concentration and dulls the sense of balance, increases the risks of heart diseases, diabetes and possibly breast cancer. Yet we continue to believe that a few hours of sleep here and there is enough for us and we tend to look past the danger we’re putting ourselves in.

 I Must Talk Initiative | Grid Magazine
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